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“How negative ads from diverse right-wing media makes conservative voters dislike Democratic candidates even more” (with Richard R. Lau, David  J. Andersen, David P. Redlawsk and Mona Kleinberg) for the London School of Economics USApp blog. Online April 24, 2017.


"Candidate Competence: Is There a Double-Standard?" for Footnotes: A Blog for the Center for American Women and Politics. Online September 13, 2016.


"How Iowans are changing their minds about the candidates, in 5 easy charts" (with David A.M. Peterson) for The Monkey Cage blog. Online January 29, 2016.


"In Iowa’s Senate race, massive levels of outside spending dominate how the candidates are portrayed to voters" (with David J. Andersen) for the London School of Economics USApp blog. Online October 23, 2014.


"Gender stereotypes mean that voters look for more information on women candidates’ competence than they do for men" (with Allison J. Hamilton and David P. Redlawsk) for The London School of Economics USApp blog. Online. September 26, 2013.

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